Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Yes, the drawing is shoddy. Yes, it took me a couple hours to come up with a witty thought. Yes, I procrastinated. 
No, I do not want any Boy Scout popcorn.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Boxes of stuff

First of all, I'm mostly moved to Illinois save for three boxes of who knows what.
Second of all, I know the few of you who read "if i didn't have a sex drive" are anxiously awaiting a new strip. Well, my first comment directly influences my next strip.

Okay, it doesn't really, since I don't need my markers to write a new strip. To be perfectly honest, I'm adjusting and not finding much time to sit down and think up something witty enough to draw. My life has been a whirlwind of yard work, making dinner, tearing down wallpaper and Guitar Hero. That's right. You're not being entertained by me because I'm too frickin busy playing Guitar Hero.

Here's the deal: I --shudder-- promise to have a new strip up by next Wednesday because I'm in Springfield (scanner-less) until maybe this Wednesday and The Incredible Hulk comes out on Friday.